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Collage of special students working in various job roles

Transition services are a coordinated set of activities that focus on activities or courses of study available in high school that will facilitate students' movement toward their post high school goals.

Considering this description of transition, ponder the fact that unemployment rates for persons with disabilities are estimated between 50%-75%. In response to these unemployment rates, federal and state legislation require transition be a part of the individualized education program (IEP). IDEA 2004 requires that a student’s IEP must address transition when the child turns 16, or younger if determined appropriate by the admission, review and dismissal (ARD) committee.

Texas passed SB1788, which lowered the requirement to age 14 in 2011. The ARD committee should develop measurable goals based on appropriate assessment in the areas of training, education, employment and when appropriate, independent living.

Our goal at Region 10 is to coordinate resources, offer technical assistance, and provide staff development related to secondary education and transition for youth with disabilities in order to create opportunities for successful futures and post school outcomes.

Student-Centered Transitions 


Coordinating Resources

  • Assist in building partnership between school districts, parents and service agencies/providers
  • Assist area districts and charter schools with available resources for transition/VAC


Technical assistance

  • Assist area districts and charter schools with  individualized solutions to improve their transition/VAC services


Staff Development

  • Training in state graduation requirements and academic achievement record (AAR)
  • Training in federal and state requirements for transition planning for students and parents
  • Monthly training in effective practices for transition and VAC.
  • Quarterly transition/VAC supervisor meetings