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Academic Outdoors

Academics Outdoors Membership includes yearly access to all Academics Outdoors Teacher Guide books and Student Journals (including English and Spanish versions for K-5). These are all TEKS-based, grade level or subject-specific (High School) activities designed specifically for outdoor learning. While some activities are specific to the Circle Ten Council Boy Scout camps, the vast majority can be conducted in any outdoor setting. 

Boys with magnifying glass exploring tree trunk

young girl in hard hard with classmates learning about construction

Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Region 10 serves as an advocate for Career and Technical Education (CTE) through targeted support for CTE compliance, program development and implementation with rigor and relevancy; bridging with postsecondary education and industry partners to build a global workforce, quality education programs and 21st century learners. 

Career, College & Military Readiness (CCMR)

College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) ensures that all Texas high school students have access to high quality pathways to career and college. Region 10 is committed to providing research-based, field tested, high quality professional development and support for educators as they navigate the world of CCMR to prepare students for all post secondary opportunities.

digital lightbulb over hands holding an ipad

Digital Learning Solutions

The Digital Learning Solutions Team believes that the innovative use of technology empowers learners. Professional learning should be a hands-on, relevant experience for educators, one that can be replicated in schools and districts to increase motivation and engagement. These best practices ensure educators leverage technology to transform learning.

English Language Arts & Reading Program

The Region 10 ELAR team provides literacy support through professional development services, instructional coaching, and technical assistance.

Child enjoying a special book

hands pointing to charts

Federal Programs & State Allotments

Region 10 provides technical assistance to districts in maintaining compliance with federal/state program funding requirements and provides professional development for more effective utilization of federal/state resources to ensure greater student achievement. Region 10 also acts as the fiscal agent for Shared Service Arrangements (SSA) for the Every Student Succeeds Act Consolidated grant and Carl Perkins grant from TEA. As the fiscal agent of a SSA, Region 10 submits grant applications, compliance reports, financial reports, and all other required documentation to TEA.

Gifted & Talented

Region 10 Gifted and Talented services provide educators opportunities to learn ways to respond to the intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted/talented students.  See also:  Advanced Academics.

woman wearing glasses holding a book and thinking

Mentor / New Teacher Program

Our mission is to provide a canopy of support while empowering, challenging, and inspiring new teachers for student success. Our program is designed to equip new teachers with academic and behavioral strategies for achievement of all students through a viable mentor program that supports new teachers’ professional growth and promotes leadership of new teachers on the campus and in the community.

Teacher helping student

Hispanic mother helping son with homework

Multilingual Support Services

The Region 10 English Learner Cooperative serves member districts by providing English Learner support and staff development. In carrying out activities with Title III, Part A funds, the LEA (district) must use scientifically based research approaches and methodologies to teach Emergent Bilingual/English Learner (EB/EL) children and immigrant children and youth (ESSA). 

Reggie's Robots

'Reggie' is a VGO robot that provides an innovative solution for students to participate in the classroom from home or the hospital. Over the years, Reggie has helped students stay connected with their peers and teachers while recovering from injuries, illness or other factors that prevent them from being in the classroom. Reggie allows the student to develop strong teacher and peer relationships, stay socially connected, boost morale, provide tangible health benefits, and receive quality instruction without falling behind on coursework.

VGo Reggies Robots

Students taking a test, girl thinking

TEKS Resource System (TRS)

The TEKS Resource System team is continually working to provide all viable curricular and assessment components. The curriculum of the TEKS Resource System aligns with state-adopted standards, including content connections, formative and summative assessment items, and support resources.

Texas Strategic Staffing

Texas Strategic Staffing is a 2-year process in which a district and EPP commit to designing and implementing a paid teacher residency program that is sustainably funded by reallocating district resources to compensate teacher residents who take on additional instructional responsibilities in the district while completing a year-long teacher residency program.

Man pointing to chart while teaching a group of people

Hello in languages around the world

World Languages

Our program provides professional development for world languages teachers by offering a variety of courses such as Language Assessment Academy, Planning for World Language Instruction, World Language Administrator Training to name a few, plus online learning and an annual World Language Summit.