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Congratulations on securing a teaching position. You are beginning an exciting and challenging journey toward certification. Your responsibilities as an intern and a classroom teacher will be rigorous. It is essential that you manage your schedule to meet both CERT and school requirements.

To begin the internship process, contact the CERT office for the necessary paperwork. Once the completed documents are submitted, you will be notified of your enrollment in the online course Internship: Professional Practices in which all internship requirements and timelines are detailed. You will access the course immediately to remain in compliance with the program.

According to state rule and program requirements, 30 hours of field based observation, a minimum 150 hours of coursework and passing score on TExES Content test must be completed before you will be given a Statement of Eligibility (SOE) which is needed to apply for teaching positions.  If you qualify as a late hire you have 90 days from the beginning of your Internship to complete these requirements. Confer with your consultant regarding specific coursework.

Individuals approved for Internships in districts outside of Region 10 will pay an additional travel fee to be determined according to school/district location.

Intern Checklist Requires Immediate Attention

  1. Notify CERT office of your teaching position.
    Submit proof of employment (contract, letter of intent to hire).
  2. Complete and submit the Intent to Initiate Internship form [sent to you via e-mail].
  3. Register for CERT Effective Classroom Management and CERT Keys to Quality Teaching.
  4. Access online course Internship: Professional Practices.