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Clinical Teachers

IMPORTANT:  CTE Placement is arranged through a careful collaboration of Region 10 CERTification and School Districts.  Do NOT call or contact school districts directly.

The Region 10 CERTification Program offers a Clinical Teaching Experience option for completing your certification. The Clinical Teaching Experience (CTE) is equivalent to a University Student Teaching Program.

What are the requirements to participate in the Clinical Teaching Experience (CTE)?

  • Completion of all program coursework and field-based experience hours prior to beginning CTE.
  • All examinations should be passed.
  • An additional application and interview with Region 10 CERTification personnel. This also provides you an opportunity to ask questions and get clarification on the CTE expectations and requirements.

CTE placements are for approximately 15 weeks of full-time classroom experience. This is an unpaid position, however the practicum fee is still due to Region 10 CERT in order for certification to be approved.

During the course of the Clinical Teaching Experience you will go from observing your assigned mentor teaching in the classroom to gradually teaching a full day.

Your responsibilities as a CTE candidate learning the roles and responsibilities of a classroom teacher will be rigorous. It is essential that you manage your schedule to meet both CERT and school requirements.

You will be notified of enrollment in the online course CTE: Professional Practices in which all requirements and timelines will be detailed.

CTE Checklist

  1. CERTification office notifies candidates of their CTE placements.
  2. Complete assigned district requirements for CTE placement.
  3. Access online course CTE: Professional Practices.