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Applicant Overview

Welcome to the Region 10 CERTification Program

Are You Ready to Begin Your Career in Education?

The Region 10 Teacher Certification Program, created in 1992, is a state-accredited alternative certification program that provides an opportunity for highly qualified individuals with at least a bachelor's degree to gain Texas teacher certification.

If accepted, candidates will complete a combination of rigorous coursework and field-based experience that prepare our participants to be successful, effective teachers.


Are you ready to begin your career in education? Applicants complete an online application and submit the required documents. If you have questions, please contact content area consultants listed below.

Two Certification Routes
Participants complete a teaching practicum in a school district, charter, or accredited private school through one of these two options:


  • The internship route is open to all program candidates.  Interns complete one school year (two consecutive semesters) in a full time paid teaching position.
  • An internship assignment shall not be less than an average of four hours each day in the subject area and grade level of certification sought. The average includes intermissions and recesses but does not include conference and duty-free lunch periods.

Clinical Teaching Experience (CTE)

  • The clinical teaching experience (CTE) route requires an additional screening process. Selected candidates serve 15 weeks in a non-paid position with a cooperating mentor teacher.
  • Applications are accepted in March and October. CTE Application form.
  • Upon successful completion of all program requirements, participants are recommended for a Texas Standard Certificate.  The Educator Preparation Programs Advisory Board considers recommendations and gives approval for certification.