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This program provides coordination and technical assistance for individuals who work with students who have speech-language disorders and their parents at no cost. Requests for assistance should be made through the building principal and the special education director for the local district/SSA.

Speech Language Pathology technical assistance

Staff Development

One of the major roles of this program is to provide quality staff development that facilitates service delivery to students who have communication disorders. Another key function is to provide quality training that will enable licensed speech pathologists to remain current in their knowledge and skills as well as obtain the continuing education hours required for annual licensure renewal. While most staff development activities coordinated by this program may be found in the Region 10 Special Education Staff Development On-Line Catalog, additional information may be made available through special flyers, brochures, and SLP supervisor listserv.

SLP Master's degree info - Click button below for more info

Speech Language Pathology Master's Degree Program Webpage

District Request Form

Please complete the form below to request technical assistance and/or professional development (PD).  A team member will be in touch with you soon following the submission of your request.

District Request Form