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Region 10 assistance for districts, charters and campuses in conducting online school climate surveys of various audiences including students, staff, and community.  Using online technology, including home computers and/or mobile computing devices, the survey can be conducted quickly and easily with limited interference with class or work time. For those individuals lacking computer access, paper surveys may be printed and entered manually.


Services provided include

  • On-site, in-depth analysis of the intention of the survey(s), selection of the appropriate audience(s) and timelines
  • Advise on communications and timelines regarding the survey(s)
  • Development of the content and style of the survey(s)
  • Beta testing the survey(s) with the client
  • Revision and updating the survey(s) to client specifications
  • Determination of 'best' technological format for delivery of the survey(s) (i.e., email, website, listserv, etc.)
  • Collection and compilation of data for analysis
  • Presentation of data and analysis to the local client (Board of Trustees, administration, etc.) in a public and/or printed format


Types of surveys available

  • Staff and Faculty Climate or Satisfaction Surveys
  • Community or Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey
  • School Climate or Satisfaction Surveys for Students
  • Parent Satisfaction Surveys
  • Alumni Perceived Satisfaction Surveys
  • Business Community Support and Satisfaction Surveys

This service can be activated by District contact with the ESC.