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According to Texas Education Code, Section 31.0211, a school district is entitled to an annual allotment from the state instructional materials fund for each student enrolled in the district. The 85th Legislature formally changed the allotment to the Technology and Instructional Materials Allotment (TIMA).

Instructional materials and disbursements are requested by districts through the Educational Materials System (EMAT). Districts request State Board of Education-adopted materials and Commissioner-adopted materials through EMAT, and the allotment is reduced by the value of requested materials. Disbursement of funds for instructional materials not on an adopted list, technological equipment, and technology-related services are also requested by a district through EMAT and the allotment is reduced by the amount of the disbursements.

The Technology and Instructional Materials Allotment processes require strategic planning by the district's curriculum, technology and textbook coordinators since the TIMA appropriations include instructional materials, technology equipment and technology-related service. The EMAT system is available for accessing TIMA funds.

Previewing Materials

Electronic copies of materials being considered for adoption are provided to TEA according to the cycle of each proclamation. Materials in the consideration phase can be viewed at the TEA website

EMAT System login


TEA Links


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