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The EdTech Exchange purchasing cooperative was formed to address district procurement requirements for Educational Technology Products and Services while leveraging the aggregate volume of Region 10 districts to provide the lowest possible pricing for member districts.

Benefits to your organization:

  • Use our large group purchasing power to secure volume discounts for EdTech products.
  • Single source for multiple EdTech products.
  • Vendors have been vetted through an RFP process.

Our Vendors - All of our vendor contracts, contract numbers and expiration dates are listed here.

EdCuration - Many of our vendors are listed on our partner site, EdCuration.  Use the Region 10 search option to find Region 10 EdTech Cooperative awarded vendors with the bid due diligence. 

Please contact Michelle Turner for more information.


About the EdTech Exchange Purchasing Cooperative

The purpose of the EdTech Exchange Purchasing Cooperative is to facilitate the procurement process between the "Members" (public school districts, private schools, charter schools, colleges, and universities, cities, and municipalities, counties, state agencies), and the “Vendors” through pre-negotiated contracts enabling the “Members” to receive better value. 

School districts are authorized to use purchasing cooperatives by the Texas Education Code, and as a local government entity by the Texas Local Government Code. The Texas Education Code, Section 44.031, authorizes districts to enter into inter-local agreements with other government entities, including purchasing cooperatives that are managed by a government entity, for aggregate purchases of $50,000 or more, instead of using competitive bidding. An inter-local agreement is a contract between a local government such as a school district and another local government, a state agency, or another state, that can be used to procure goods or services. The Texas Local Government Code, Section 271.102, authorizes a local government, including a school district, to participate in a cooperative purchasing program with a local government or cooperative organization of Texas or another state. By doing so, a local government entity automatically satisfies any requirement to seek competitive bidding.


Membership is free and open to all K-12 School Districts, Colleges and Universities, Cities and Municipalities, Counties, State Agencies, Private Schools, and Charter Schools in the State of Texas. How do I become a member of EdTech Exchange?
Please complete and return the Master Interlocal Agreement.

How do I make a purchase?

  1. Become a member of EdTech Exchange.
  2. Review the Vendor list.
  3. Contact the vendor you would like to do business with and ask for a quote reflecting EdTech Exchange pricing.
  4. Issue a Purchase Order to the vendor. Include the EdTech Exchange Contract RFP# in the notation.
  5. Submit Purchase Order to vendor. Please send copy of Purchase Order to This will allow us to verify the purchase is being made with an awarded contract.

Is this cooperative Edgar compliant?

Region 10 has performed all necessary steps as outlined in 2 CFR part 200, more commonly known as EDGAR.  While Region 10 performs the most stringent procurement method as required, the vendor must still agree to all of the applicable contract provisions to be fully compliant.  All purchasers using federal funds are advised to assess EDGAR compliance from their own perspective.  Cost or price analysis requirement for purchases over $150,000 must be performed by the purchasing entity.  Region 10 will NOT perform this analysis as the cooperative is not the purchasing entity as described by law.  It is important that each entity performs the analysis before the purchase is made.  Please communicate with your legal counsel if any questions regarding the cooperative's positions or its compliance with 2 CFR Part 200 requirements when they arise.  Contract and bid documents can be provided upon request of the purchasing entity.
How do I become a vendor?

How do I become a vendor?

Vendors must respond to an RFP.  RFP information can be found below:
Region 10 Request for Proposals